Our Declaration of Faith is the foundation of our belief and worship of God. It is through it that we can manage with integrity the church of Jesus Christ and proclaim His word with authority to the whole world.
Our statement is based entirely on the biblical doctrines of the Christian faith.
The Bible
We believe that the Bible is the word inspired by God. That the sixty-six (66) books as they were originally written including the Old and New Testaments were fully inspired by the Holy Spirit of God and were entirely error-free, we believe that the Bible is the final authority with regard to faith and its practices:2 Tim 3:16 and 2 Peter 1:21
We believe in one God who exists from eternity to eternity in three distinct persons, father, Son and Holy Spirit. 1 John 1:7, Genesis 3:22, Psalm 2: 7&8
Jesus Christ
We believe that Jesus Christ is conceived of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and that he is 100% man and 100% God. We believe In his life without sin, in his expiatory death, in his bodily resurrection, in his triumphal ascension, in his ministry of mediator and his imminent return. Isaia 7:14, Jean 1:1
Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit is an absolutely divine person in his essence. He convicts us of sin, justice and judgment. He regenerates us, sanctifies us, enlightens and comforts those who believe in Jesus Christ. John 16:7-9, act 2:4, rom 8:29, 2 Corinthians 3:18, eph 2:22
Eternal Security
We believe in the eternal security of the believer as much as it is impossible for anyone born into the family of God to be lost. John 10:28, John 3:16
The Man
We believe that man was created in the image of God, that he has sinned and consequently has generated not only physical death but also spiritual death which is the separation of man from God and that all human beings born with this nature reaching the age of moral responsibility are sinners by thought, word and action. Genesis 2:26-27, gen 3:17
We believe that there are two biblical ordinances for the church: baptism by immersion and the Lord's meal. 1 Peter 3:21, Matthew 3:13-17
The Baptism
Baptism is the immersion of the believer in water, an act by which he obeys the commandment of Christ and demonstrates his identification with his death. His burial and resurrection. 1 Peter 3:21, 1 corinth 11:23-25, Matthew 3:13-17
We believe that salvation comes from the grace of God, we believe that by the decree of the father, the son has voluntarily suffered a bloody death, expiatory and propitiatory in our place and that justification is by faith alone in the all-sufficient sacrifice and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ; and that all who are born of the Spirit of God will be divinely kept and finally made perfect in the image of the Lord. Rom 4:26, 2 Corinthians 5:21
The Lord's Meal
The Lord's meal is the commemoration by which the believer becomes partaker of two elements bread and wine, which symbolize the body and blood of the lord, proclaiming his death and His resurrection until he comes. 1 Corinthians 11:23-28
The Lord's Day
We believe that every day belongs to the Lord, we adopt Sunday to collectively offer our service of worship to our God.
The Local Church
We believe that the church has the absolute duty to function freely outside of any supervision and health interference of any hierarchy of individuals and organizations of any kind. The church is independent. The church is a group of submerged believers called out of the world, apart for the Lord Jesus. Voluntarily associated with the ministry of the word of God, the mutual building of its members and the propagation of faith. Matthew 18:15, act 5:9
The Rapture of the Church
We believe in the imminent return of the Lord Jesus Christ to take with him his children, namely The Church. 1 Thessalonica 4:16-18